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'''-n''' suppressed the translation into DNS names. '''-t''' means "tcp" only. and '''-l''' or --listen is for listen sockets. -'''p''' also shows information about the process. Instead of -'''t''' you could also use '''-u'''. Without the --listen you will see established connections.
'''-n''' suppressed the translation into DNS names. '''-t''' means "tcp" only. and '''-l''' or --listen is for listen sockets. -'''p''' also shows information about the process. Instead of -'''t''' you could also use '''-u'''. Without the --listen you will see established connections.
In the above example you see that some services are listening on port while others are listening on a specific IP addess. In the case above If a services listens on this is a joker: it means: all IP addresses of any network card of the server are allowed. If it uses specific addresses then the service is only available there. So if you only need a service on your own computer: bind it to, etc..
== CLI Tools for Opening Connections ==
== CLI Tools for Opening Connections ==

Latest revision as of 17:47, 31 March 2020


Here we learn how a server programm is connected to the network and how you can test that connection. When we are logged in to a server we do not know much about, it is always a good idea to first investigate which ports it is listening on.

Listen Sockets

When programs connect via the network, they use the system libraries to open so called sockets. Sockets are like similar to files: You can open and close them and read and write from them. For services where other clients connect to we have so called listen sockets.

Linux offers so called unix domain sockets which are look like files but are actually connections between programs. Similar to that there are named pipes which are can be even opened with regular file operations. But these 2 are only useful for communication between processes on the same machine.

For network connections there are network sockets. A server chooses to open a network port and tells the operation system that it wants to listen there for incoming calls. Once the kernel receives packets form the network that the connection is established and the server can communicate with the other end. Most servers then fork off some process that handles the communication and the main program continues to listen for additional connections.

For IP packets there are 16bit port numbers and the most used protocols are TCP (for end-to-end connections where the server program only wants a data-stream and is not interested in the details of the connection - e.g. a weeb server) and UDP which consists of small datagram packets. The server is responsible there to deal with issues like lost packets and even packets received in different order.

Port Number Protocol Service
22 TCP SSH - secure shell
25 TCP SMTP - sending mails between server
80 TCP HTTP - un-encrypted web.
443 TCP HTTPS - encrypted web
53 UDP DNS - Domain Name Service

netstat and ss

When we want to know what kind of network connections are currently active and which server daemons are listening on incomming ports we can use the netstat command. There is also the newer ss tool that is supposed to replace netstat. (See: https://www.linux.com/topic/networking/introduction-ss-command/ )

Here are a few use-cases to display information with netstat and also the corresponding ss command.

# netstat -nt --listen -p
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      743/sshd            
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      760/cupsd           

#  ss -l -t -p

-n suppressed the translation into DNS names. -t means "tcp" only. and -l or --listen is for listen sockets. -p also shows information about the process. Instead of -t you could also use -u. Without the --listen you will see established connections.

In the above example you see that some services are listening on port while others are listening on a specific IP addess. In the case above If a services listens on this is a joker: it means: all IP addresses of any network card of the server are allowed. If it uses specific addresses then the service is only available there. So if you only need a service on your own computer: bind it to, etc..

CLI Tools for Opening Connections


The classical tool to open a TCP connection is telnet. Telnet was initially used in the same way we use SSH today - but it had no encryption. But instead of connection to a telnet server port the telnet tool can connect to any TCP port.

E.g. You could connect to the port of a web server and pretend to be a browser:

$ telnet www.orf.at 80
Connected to www.orf.at.
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 19:25:49 GMT
Server: Apache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Connection closed by foreign host.


You need to type the HEAD /. If you ever connect where you do not know how to close the connection: You can type Ctrl-] and then type quit.

Of course we can connect to services on our own host. Often all we want to know if someone takes the connection or not. E.g.:

$ telnet 1234
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Above we try to connect to our own server and port 1234.

If you can not connect you either get the connection refused. (If the remote end tells you that there is no service) or you are just waiting and waiting (If the there e.g. is a firewall that drops packets to that port).

netcat, nc, ncat make your own listen socket

netcat is kind of a swiss-army knife tool for network connections. There are 3 different versions which are sometimes installed with the same name.

You can find out which of those exist by trying the option -h with the above command. In my case i have install ncat with comes from the nmap tools (usefull to scan networks for hosts that answer). On my machine all 3 command: netcat nc and ncat are aliases to ncat.

So I will show you the ncat version of nc:

Here we connect but use the pipe to directly send the "HEAD /" to get response from the server:

$echo HEAD / | ncat www.orf.at 80
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 19:42:34 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 226
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

With nc, netcat, ncat we can also create a listen socket:

$ ncat -4 -l 1234

The above opens a listen socket on port 1234 (for IPv4 only). If we want to connect to this service we can open telnet connection in an other terminal windows:

$ telnet localhost 1234

What you type here will show up on in the terminal where you run the ncat command.

services that use ssl

Of course when you use telnet or netcat, nc or ncat to connect to a server port, we can only make sense of the data if it is in clear text. Even if it is not in clear text, we at least see if we can get a connection there or not. Today, a lot of services use SSL to encrypt the connection.

The ncat tool can do ssl. E.g:

$ ncat -v --ssl www.orf.at 443 
Ncat: Version 7.70 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: SSL connection to Oesterreichischer Rundfunk
Ncat: SHA-1 fingerprint: 6548 19AB AEA8 7E06 2620 D7CE 7966 48DD 4692 CE75

The -v option shows some debugging info. Here the name of the certificate used by the other side.

An other tool is openssl. We will learn about that later.


  • use netstat and/or ss to see what network connections are established and which listen sockets exist.
  • user telnet and/or netcat or ncat or nc to connect to a port of a server
  • use nc or netcat or ncat to establish a listen socket and then connect to this via another nc or telnet
  • try to connect to a random port and see if you are rejected or if the packets are dropped (long wait).
  • if you have ncat: try also an ssl port. (e.g. an https service)